Vega Motel closes

I've been informed that the historic Vega Motel on Route 66 in Vega, Texas, has closed. Apparently co-owner Harold Whaley is quite ill. He and his wife Tresa have closed the motel and moved from town so she could care for him. That's all the information I have. I'll post more when I learn anything.

Be good …

... I'll be away from a computer for a few days. No Route 66 blogging for a while. So get out of the house and drive the road instead. As Michael Wallis would say: "Travel well."

Another reason to drive Missouri’s Route 66

And the reason is provided in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch's report about Interstate 44. About 70 percent of the interstate will be torn up before fall. That means two-way traffic, narrowed lanes and lane closures along 207 of the 290 miles that stretch between St. Louis and Oklahoma. If you're going to be driving two … Continue reading Another reason to drive Missouri’s Route 66