Severe storms strike central Illinois

Severe storms, including a tornado, struck several Route 66 towns in Illinois. Here's the caption for Nancy Saul's photo above for the Lincoln Courier: AmerenCilco employees set up roadblocks and assess damage along the southbound lane of Old Route 66 on Lincoln's north side. High winds snapped power poles and bent metal light standards to … Continue reading Severe storms strike central Illinois

Pain Walker takes a brief break

This showed up on Dennis Kinch's Web site for the National Pain Foundation: For those of you tracking Dennis' progress, he has made it to Sanders, Arizona. He has not been 'holed' up in Gallup, New Mexico as some of you were wondering, but he is taking a few days off the road so he … Continue reading Pain Walker takes a brief break

Geezer Riders check their rides

Before embarking on their Route 66 trip, the Geezer Riders from Japan toured the Harley-Davidson factory in Milwaukee. It sounds like they were impressed by what they'll be riding on the Mother Road. The Mainichi Daily News has the report.