Jay Leno interviews Route 66 authors

I bet this was quite a thrill. Buddies Sal Santoro and Bob Walton were recently interviewed on "Jay Leno's Garage" by the host about their Route 66 book. "Route 66 -- The People, The Places, The Dream" can be ordered here. You can read my review of the book here.

A treasure trove of Route 66 interviews

In recent days, a fellow by the name of Jay Crim has uploaded dozens of interviews from over the years with prominent Route 66 figures. The people being interviewed include Jerry McClanahan, Harley and Annabelle Russell, Michael Wallis, Angel Delgadillo, Mike Callens, Becky Ransom, David Knudson, Jim Ross, and a few other folks. The interviews … Continue reading A treasure trove of Route 66 interviews