Terrence Moore’s Route 66 photography being featured at Phoenix airport

Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport is featuring the work of longtime Route 66 photographer Terrence Moore through November.

“Stories from the Mother Road: Photography by Terrence Moore” will be on display in Terminal 4’s Level 3, near the food court.

Here is the overview of Moore’s exhibit:

Travel can be more about the journey than the destination, and hitting the road is a great way to have that experience. Road trips bring about opportunities for personal exploration, discovery and stories.

America’s most famous highway, Route 66, the Mother Road, has lured travelers west since it first opened in 1926. At one time this iconic route, running from Chicago to Los Angeles, symbolized independence, optimism and new beginnings for many. With interstate and superhighways providing a more efficient way to travel, Route 66 gradually fell out of use. Today, all is not lost as there is still much to see and experience along this historic road.

Tucson photographer Terrence Moore has had an affinity with Route 66, since he first traveled on it at nine years old when his family moved from Minnesota to California. For more than 60 years he has had a personal connection with Route 66.

This exhibition presents Moore’s images from his many travels along this classic highway as a professional photographer for more than 50 years. Sites along Route 66 may continually change through time, but they still hold much allure to the intrepid traveler. Curio shops, vintage motels, neon signs and quirky roadside attractions from a bygone era all come to represent Stories from the Mother Road.

“Much of my life was formed by the open road; that includes Route 66 as well as many other U.S. highways that all inspire adventure. The feeling of rolling down the highway brings excitement, curiosity and discovery that I am itching to share through my pictures.”

Moore’s Route 66 photography from several decades was documented in a 2018 book, “66 on 66: A Photographer’s Journey” (Amazon link). The Route 66 News review of the book can be found here.

(Hat tip to Peter Corbett; image of a billboard near Tucumcari, New Mexico, from the “Stories of the Mother Road” exhibit courtesy of Corbett)

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