Big Texan Slug Bug Ranch officially opens in Amarillo

The Big Texan Slug Bug Ranch officially was christened and opened Friday after the original Volkswagen Beetles were moved to Amarillo from their original home in Conway, Texas. The Facebook excerpts below include photos from Visit Amarillo, a video from the ceremony, more images from Dora Meroney of the Old Texas Route 66 Association and … Continue reading Big Texan Slug Bug Ranch officially opens in Amarillo

Amarillo City Council gives initial approval for Bug Ranch being in tax-increment finance zone

The soon-to-open Bug Ranch in Amarillo likely will be eligible for tax-increment financing for its move from Conway, Texas, and other improvements at the site. According to the Amarillo Globe-News, the City Council approved the development of the Big Texan Slug Bug Ranch project on its first reading as part of the East Gateway Tax … Continue reading Amarillo City Council gives initial approval for Bug Ranch being in tax-increment finance zone